
definition of worship

The word to adore It is widely used in our language.

To act of reverence for a person or object that is attributed a divine character is expressed in terms of worship. Laura adores that little elephant statue that her mother gave her, every morning she kisses it.

The action of worship is easily recognizable since it is usually manifested through acts or gestures in which the one who worships shows his total submission to the one he worships.

On the other hand, In religion, this word also has a hyper habitual use since it is used to designate the reverence and honor that the faithful perform to their god. Because whoever commits himself to the dogmas of a religion, for example the Catholic one, implicit in that commitment is the adoration of God, the saints and the rituals through which homage is paid to them.

It should be noted that prayer is one of the great worship rituals in religions, while the aforementioned worship of prayer can be practiced in the personal orbit but it is also necessary to practice it in those sacred places such as churches and ceremonies of the masses.

And in common parlance, When we like something or someone excessively, we usually say that we adore it.. Generally, objects or subjects of adoration are those for which we feel deep love and for which we are even capable of giving our lives. Family, friends, spouses are some of the subjects that can awaken our adoration. I adore my mom. I love the music you make.

Meanwhile, the opposing concept is that of despise, which refers precisely to the little esteem that is had for something or someone given. Idolize, revere and love, are the synonyms that we use the most in relation to this concept.

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