
definition of foolish

The word senseless It refers to that or that which completely lacks good sense. Your reasoning is very foolish, you must think more before expressing yourself in that way before people who profess such a closed cult.

Meanwhile, for sanity It refers to the quality of sensible, someone sensible is characterized by observing prudence, sanity and good judgment when acting and manifesting, then, therefore, common sense is normally linked to concepts such as those mentioned of sanity, understanding and reasoning.

Conversely, madness, recklessness and absurdity are opposed to good sense and so it is that they are closely associated with folly.

It should be noted that the individual who observes in his actions and thinking a predominance of folly will completely lack the temperance, caution and restraint, values ​​inherent to the virtue of prudence, that virtue that disposes to act in a fair and adequate manner, according to the context in which the individual in question is immersed.

Speaking clearly, with correct language, both in the communication of current events, as well as those that are transcendental, will move us away from foolish actions and will certainly bring us closer to the prudence of good sense.

On the other hand, it is common for those who exhibit foolish behavior not only to put their physical integrity at risk, but also that of their neighbor and their immediate environment. For example, someone who drives a car under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other medicine that alters their faculties and not to mention someone who handles firearms or white weapons without any kind of conscience and coherence, will be clearly and forcefully manifesting foolish behavior. .

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