
definition of absolute

It is said that something or someone is absolute when it stands out for its independence unlimited without any restrictions plus excludes any type of relationship and comparison with something else or another individual.

That or that which is independent, does not present restrictions, is complete and does not allow comparison

That which is absolute is whole, complete, total, it exists by itself because it is unconditioned. For all this, this term is traditionally used in relation to God, especially and also linked to power when precisely it is exercised in an unlimited way and without restriction in the hands of a single person.

And the absolute will be opposed to the relative, which implies the opposite: one relationship with another.

Use in politics: monarchical absolutism

In what is inherent to the exercise of power, this question that we mentioned can be exemplified through the absolute monarchy , a concept belonging to political science and that allows to refer to the form of government proper to absolutism, which will be characterized by the non-existent division of powers, being that power rests with a single person, usually a king, pharaoh, depending on the culture in question.

The monarch, as the depositary of this power is known, He will occupy the throne for life, that is until his death, and his power is hereditary, that is, it is transmitted from generation to generation, when he dies, his son will supplant him and this, his son and so on.

Although we must say that there are other conditions of inheriting power, it is a reality that the transmission of command from father to son has been the most recurrent and traditional throughout history.

Absolutism was a system of government in which power rests with a single person who is the one who will exercise total authority without being accountable to anyone, neither to the legislative power, nor to society, to absolutely no person or institution.

Now, it is important that we say that any government that has a total control of power could be considered as absolutism, although of course, the concept has been used specifically to designate the European absolute monarchies that ruled centuries ago.

This system appeared in force in the sixteenth century and extended until the first half of the nineteenth century, when various revolutions strongly raised their voices and weapons against it, the most emblematic is undoubtedly the French Revolution that occurred in 1789.

By that time and because of the new ideas that the Enlightenment had brought as inspiration, the monarch was not that deified man who knew everything and who had to be totally worshiped.

Paradoxically in France this theory of the divine right of royal power arose, with the assumption that there were people who were chosen by God to occupy the ownership of the government, and even the most radical equated the king with God himself; and also in France this thought would fall after the aforementioned revolution.

Meanwhile, it is common for the absolute adjective to be applied in different contexts and situations.

Other uses

If something does not interest us in the least, we often use this concept to indicate it: "This new activity at school does not interest me at all."

Also when something remains unchanged without changes and without conditions in its path, it will be spoken in terms of the absolute.

When someone expresses or expresses a absolute opinion , or failing that an absolute judgment, will be referring a final, decisive and categorical manifestation about what it refers to.

On the other hand, an absolute magnitude It will be the one that is measured from a zero value, which will actually correspond to the absence of the magnitude in question.

Meanwhile, at the request of the metaphysicsThe absolute is everything that is by itself, it is not subject to anything since it does not present a link with another reality.

Likewise, in mathematics we find the word, in the concept called absolute value of a real number, which is the numerical value without the respective sign.

Other concepts of recurring use and that also include the word are: absolute numeral adjective (cardinal adjective); liquid and absolute chemical (that substance that does not contain impurities or water); absolute pitch (The ability of a person to identify a note without the help of a referential note. People with this special ability are able to produce exactly a requested note without any reference).

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