
definition of apprehend

The word apprehend is used mostly to account for when someone has seized, captured or taken someone or something, especially an illegal object or product. The security forces apprehended five criminals who were transporting drugs in their slippers.

Also, the term apprehend has a recurring use when it comes to wanting to refer to the aimmediate similitude of somethingIn other words, when a concept, a task or an activity is fully understood by someone, it will be said that they have apprehended the task or concept in question. In the last class I learned how to mount the stitches on the needles. The algebra explanations are really very complex, I can't grasp them.

Then, it should be noted that the word apprehend, in the aforementioned sense, is linked to the learning process of any activity or subject, since from it it is possible to account for the satisfactory or non-apprehension of the concepts.

Apprehension, undoubtedly, implies a capacity or insight to be able to penetrate into things and understand them.

It is worth mentioning that in some circumstances, the fact of apprehending something can demand hours and hours of practice and reading of books in which the explanations of what we want to apprehend are recorded and also, it can demand the presence of an expert or professor in the field that guide the apprehension process.

Meanwhile, the word apprehend is closely related to other concepts that are often used as synonyms, such as: grasp, hook, hold, stop, catch, catch, seize, catch, capture, catch, imprison, capture, assimilate, understand, perceive, comprehend, imagine, discern and conceive.

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