
definition of workforce

There are jobs that demand on the part of the worker who carries them out a greater physical commitment, more strength, while there are others that will demand less intervention from the physical and more from the mental part, in any case and beyond this, always, both questions, the physical and the mental, intervene in the completion of any job and therefore both will be considered as basic and very important conditions.

Meanwhile, it is this combination of physique and mind, both placed at the service of work, that will determine the work force and therefore the ability of an individual, physical and mental, to perform this or that job task.

Any job demands that both capacities be present, even those jobs that have a greater demand for strength, at a certain point need a mind that directs movements, efforts, among others. And that's why we remarked at the beginning that both, physically and mentally, are essential to do a job successfully.

The concept of labor force first appears formally in the pen of the German philosopher Karl Marx, who mentions it for the first time in his most recognized work, Capital, published in 1867.

So, the workforce is one of the most relevant creations of the Marxist doctrine that Marx developed in the 19th century, as its great precursor.

In the aforementioned work Capital, Marx proposes as an ideal the achievement of a society in which there are no class differentiations. In this sense, the productive process, its forces of production and productive relations become a social good.

From the sidewalk in front of this proposal we find the capitalism that has taken over the work, that is, it buys the labor force through a sum of money that is paid to the worker. This is what Marxism has historically fought.

Meanwhile, in this capitalist context, for Marx, labor power is a commodity produced by the worker and paid by the capitalist. The value that is paid is calculated on the time that is invested to produce it. As long as this model continues, the worker will never be able to own the means of production that the capitalist has and will be condemned to sell his labor power in order to survive in capitalist society.

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