
projection definition

The word projection It is widely used in our language and to refer to various questions.

The forward or distant throw of something It is called a projection. The great speed of projection of the stone was what caused the breakage of the glass.

Also to development of a plan with the mission of achieving a certain objective it is called projection. This year's projection includes the expansion of the factory.

At cinema field the word projection is used to denote the broadcast of a tape. Finally tomorrow will be the screening of his new film.

When something or someone achieves transcendence or a great impact it will be discussed in terms of projection. The international projection of his career is what allowed him to shoot this film.

On the other hand, at the request of the psychology and more precisely from psychoanalysis, the projection is a type of defense mechanism that people usually activate and that consists of attributing to a person or an object those defects or intentions that they do not want to assume in themselves. That is, feelings, ideas or desires that a person does not want to accept as their own because they are recognized inadmissible in him and they generate enormous anxiety and anguish, among other issues, he directs them towards another to feel relief. In this way, it is possible to isolate and place those dangerous or threatening events far and away.

Towards the end of the 19th century, the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud identified the mechanism mentioned in paranoid personalities, however, with the passage of time and the approach to the question, different psychoanalytic schools have extended the concept and identified it as a primary and typical psychic defense and, for example, it can be found in all psychic structures such as neurosis, psychosis, perversion and in thought forms considered normal.

And also in the geometry we find a reference to this word, since in this area it is used to designate the figure that arises on a surface after projecting on it all the points of another figure.

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