
what is rude »definition and concept

When something is characterized by its coarseness and its coarseness it is common that in our language we express it in terms of rude.

That or he who stands out for their rudeness or rudeness

That is to say, that material, object, among other things, that show the aforementioned characteristics, are certainly far from conditions such as delicacy and fineness.

Thus, for example, when an armchair is upholstered with a rough, imperfect, and coarse fabric, it can be said that it is a rude armchair.

On the other hand, the word rude is also habitually applied in relation to individuals to indicate precisely to one who stands out for his lack of education and total absence of courtesy when dealing with others, and also with regard to their conduct and general behavior. "Your brother is rude cannot continuously yawn at the table while we eat.”

The rude individual is very easy to spot and recognize as abuses the use of foul language, obscene gestures, and improper actions at all times and in all places, that is, he makes no distinction if he is among his group of friends, or if he is at a formal dinner at his parents' house.

Manifestations and characteristics of the rude

The foul language implies a set of expressions that by convention are considered offensive, in bad taste and even indecent.

Generally they can be comments related to issues such as sex and eschatology, or directly bad words, or swear words, as they are also called.

It should be noted that the family and social environment that surrounds the individual, especially during their first years of life, which is when a good part of the teachings is established, will be decisive in the delineation or not of rude behavior.

Because if the child constantly observes rude expressions and behaviors at home, he will imitate them and repeat them until they become his own and part of his habitual behavior.

Models of good education are key to not developing rude behavior

In other words, the people that we take as models when we train are usually those close relatives and our parents, and therefore, whatever we observe them doing, we tend to repeat it, and take it as normal at some point, so that is why it is important that we Parents and all the people who are associated with children in full age of apprehension of social behaviors take care in this aspect not to form rude children, who will later be socially rejected for these inappropriate behaviors.

Because although sometimes a gesture, a bad word can be funny, in excess, it will undoubtedly annoy and the person will be socially rejected, and in some contexts, it may even receive a sanction as a result of rude behavior.

On the other hand, when a person receives the nickname of rude it will be difficult to remove it later and obviously this can lead to complications in their social development.

Rude mistake: wrong knowledge about something that is produced by not paying attention

It is called a gross error that false knowledge that is available about something, but if it had been given more attention it would not have occurred. "I didn't realize it because I was looking at my cell phone and I called my cousin's boyfriend with the name of his previous partner."

Although this term presents an important variety of synonyms, among the most used we find ordinary and rude , which precisely allow us to refer to that and that which are distinguished by their lack of finesse and education, respectively.

Meanwhile the concepts of fine and polite they are the opposites of the term that occupies us.

An educated person will be one who has good manners and behaviors, attitudes, and comments.

Just as we previously mentioned that rudeness is learned from the models that are closest to us, good manners are also learned that way, observing those people who stand out in this regard.

Difference between good manners and refinement

Good manners should not be confused with refinement, a person may know how to function in formal and socially high contexts, but in the ways, be an unpleasant and impolite person.

That is, neither money nor belonging to a high social class provides good education, it is always learned, internalized, and then becomes habitual, and is independent of money and the social position that one has.

Being grateful when someone does us a favor, or is attentive to us, respecting others, are some expressions of good manners.

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