
definition of librarian

The term librarian allows to designate that individual who works in a library, that is to say, he is in charge of it. It is also commonly referred to as librarian.

The library It is the place where books, bibliographic and audiovisual collections, magazines and newspapers from different periods are stored, so that they can be consulted by those who wish to do so.

Meanwhile, the librarian will take care, on the one hand, of deploying various techniques and procedures to organize the material that is housed in the library and, on the other hand, of assisting people who come to the establishment to access sources of information, whatever its format.

As has happened with so many other professional activities, that of the librarian has been transformed over the years and they have gone from being simple custodians of books to professionals specially trained to organize the material of a library and also to guide users in accessing the books. themselves, as we just pointed out.

On the other hand, the entry of new technologies to the activity, especially with regard to information storage, has demanded that those who carry out the activity of librarians are aggiornate in this sense.

To the aforementioned tasks of a librarian are added: incorporation of new materials, cataloging and classification of them for easy tracking when the time comes to locate each documentary piece, elimination of obsolete material, determination of work policies in libraries in which display their activity, research, among others.

The work of the librarian can be deployed in the various types of libraries that exist: public libraries belonging to a community; from an educational institution, for example a college or university; in a special library, such is the case of those for the blind or deaf; the library of a company; in the library of parliament; or in a national library, where most of a nation's bibliographic output is collected and stored.

The professional training of a librarian is carried out in a tertiary institution, with the degree of the career being a Bachelor of Librarianship.

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