
definition of expository text

When writing texts of different modalities are produced. The expository text is one of the possible options. It consists of a writing in which the primary purpose is to inform the reader or disseminate knowledge on a certain topic.

Types of expository texts

There are two variants: the popular texts and the specialized ones. The first are those in which the subject is aimed at the population as a whole, such as a history article in a school magazine, the contents of Wikipedia or the different articles that make up this web space, ABC Definition. Specialized texts are aimed at a type of reader who already has previous knowledge, for example a history article in a university publication, a doctoral thesis or an expert report.

In any case, all expository text has a series of common characteristics:

1) is part of an objective approach, in such a way that the author of the same does not express his personal opinions but is limited to reporting rigorously on a matter,

2) in general, these texts are written in the present tense,

3) a clear and precise terminology is used and avoiding ambiguities and

4) the most common structure of them consists of a presentation of the topic, followed by a development and, finally, a conclusion.

In short, an expository text is one that communicates information and, therefore, transmits knowledge objectively.

Other types of texts

In addition to the expository texts, there are three other groups: narrative, descriptive and argumentative.

Narrative texts tell a story in a chained way. They include characters and a description of the space and time in which the events narrated take place. On the other hand, there is a type of narrator (usually in the first person or the omniscient narrator).

Descriptive texts have the primary function of detailing or describing something, such as a character or a situation. This type of text focuses on an idea: what something or someone is like. Some of these texts tend towards objectivity, while others start from a more subjective description (in the latter case, it would be a literary text).

As its name indicates, argumentative texts are based on the defense of an argument or thesis. In summary, these texts provide explanations and data to support the thesis defended. Of course, its purpose is to convince the reader of a certain idea.

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