
definition of development model

The concept of development model is used in politics and economics, although it is applicable to other more specific sectors.

Both politics and economics have their theoretical principles. These two disciplines are decisive for organizing life in society. Therefore, a development model is a theoretical proposal of a strategy applied to the organization of a sector of society: a nation, a region or a specific locality. The development model would be a general reference of what is intended to make a reality.

Let's imagine a situation: a group of specialists in economics and politics have to do a study on the future of a region, and the conclusions are going to be applied. After knowing in depth the characteristics of the area, the experts elaborate an organization design taking into account various social, ideological, technical, cultural factors, etc. The final proposal would be a development model.

Economic activity is one of the engines of society. There are several economic theories and all of them have two variables in mind: private initiative and the role of the state. From them, economists develop a series of variables from a theoretical point of view: inflation, taxation, public spending, consumption, etc. These and others make up an economic strategy, define a development model. The most traditional is based on the idea of ​​permanent growth. The idea is simple: the natural tendency of all development is growth. Thus, if a country has a certain GDP and per capita income, these economic values ​​have to continue to increase year after year. This development model has a theoretical and above all real problem: nature's resources are not unlimited. If there are obvious limits on raw materials, it is not logical to aim for constant growth. Those who defend this idea speak of a model of sustainable development. It is a concept that tries to balance economic development and the environment.

The idea of ​​a development model is not exclusive to economics and politics, but is applicable to any other reality or sector. It is very common to read news about urban, energy or business development models. In any of its specific circumstances, a development model is an action plan that is intended to be carried out.

Informatics is a very useful tool in the development models of any sector. Computer science allows simulation, that is, the recreation of a reality from the combination of data and variables. This technological instrument provides very useful ideas for deciding which strategy to adopt in practice.

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