
definition of irrelevance

Something is considered irrelevant when it has little or no importance. Therefore, the idea of ​​irrelevance expresses the lack of relevance of something.

The idea of ​​irrelevance has two different planes, since the importance of something can be understood subjectively or objectively.

From subjectivity

Each individual sets their own priorities. What is significant and important for some is not so for others. For a person, his weight may be an irrelevant issue, because he considers that taking care of him is not a priority in his life. On the contrary, this same issue is especially important if we are talking about an elite athlete or a professional model. This means that we are the ones who establish what things are or are not relevant in life.

From an objective point of view

There are realities that are measurable and are subject to some kind of measurement. In health, a doctor may ask a patient to have blood tests done. The results obtained present a whole series of specific values ​​and some may be relevant and others not. In this case, the doctor is the one who determines the importance of the results and does so with objective criteria.

It must be borne in mind that the same action can offer two different interpretations regarding its relevance. An official sports competition is important, because victory or defeat has consequences. On the other hand, an unofficial competition (for example, a soccer match with a friendly nature) is considered as something without much relevance.

In the context of judicial evidence

The objective or subjective value of a test in the context of a trial can receive two ratings, as there is relevant and irrelevant evidence. The one who decides whether a test is relevant or not is a judge, who decides on the validity of a test based on what the law establishes.

As a general rule, if a test is a means to prove a criminal action, it is considered relevant. On the contrary, if something has no relation to the facts judged, it will be considered as irrelevant evidence or information.

There is a type of legal circumstance where the concept of irrelevance is controversial. When certain evidence is obtained illegally, it is considered irrelevant, but such evidence can be significant since it has a direct relationship with the facts judged.

Photos: iStock - Westersoe / Eva Katalin

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