
definition of luck

Related largely to superstition and chance, luck could be described as a thought or a belief that things, events happen by chance and not by logical causes or by the action of oneself. Luck generates that a wish, an objective that a priori was considered very unlikely to come true, finally occurs. Even the surprise at luck may be greater if the number of attempts is considered as a minimum compared to those that usually have to be made for the event to occur.

Good luck versus bad luck

According to how the events occur, one can speak of good or bad luck, and that property can be applied not only to objects (of good or bad luck), but also to places, people and animals.

This question of bad or good luck is extremely present in our daily lives, even those who say they do not believe in bad or good luck, in the long run, will end up attributing an event to one of the two ...

With an example we will see more clearly this question of bad luck or good luck. When someone has a car accident and is totally unscathed, that fact is often attributed to that person's good luck in that event.

And on the other hand, when something goes wrong despite the efforts that have been put into ensuring that the result is favorable, that bad result will be attributed to the bad luck that accompanies it.

Luck is just one of the many ways in which human superstition is present in everyday life. In most cases, believing in the presence of good or bad luck has to do with finding an explanation for the events around us.

People always need to find a concrete, rational and effective explanation for the events that happen to us and also those that do not happen and are expected, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible and there when there is no rational argument to explain something The alternatives of bad and good luck will emerge as ways of explaining why such events did or did not happen.

In general, that explanation falls out of our hands and then takes away responsibility, as well as the ability to act. It is important to note that believing in the presence of good luck can be an irrational act, although many psychology and health professionals maintain that this can help the person to reap a positive attitude regarding their daily lives.

Elements associated with good luck and bad luck

Traditionally, good or bad luck has been represented socially in various ways and through different elements. Depending on the cultures, we can find elements strictly associated with bad luck and good luck, among them are: Horseshoe (That piece of iron that is nailed to horse hooves is highly sought after among those superstitious because it is said that having one of them helps to have good luck in things);a four leaf clover (Finding a clover with these characteristics also predisposes you to suffer from good luck in whatever you undertake); touching a man's bald head or walking without stepping on tile lines down the street some also consider that they are actions that, if carried out, can bring good luck and perhaps ward off bad luck.

On the contrary, there are other elements and actions that are closely associated with bad luck, such as: cross paths with a black cat It is a foretaste of the bad luck that will come and to refute it it will be necessary to take eight steps backwards; cross under a ladder It will also trigger a streak of bad luck; break a mirror it will spare someone who has done it seven years of bad luck; and spill out salt It will also call for bad luck, meanwhile, to counteract it, it is said that you have to grab the handful of salt that fell and throw it back.

Mostly these beliefs are followed by hyper superstitious people.

As stated at the beginning, the belief of good or bad luck can be so strong in some individuals that it can end up being applied to people, situations, places or animals. These beliefs make a person does not want to meet another, does not want to go to certain places or does not want to have certain animals (or vice versa) in order not to have bad luck. Clearly, these are all attitudes that imply a certain irrationality and search for easy explanations for events that humans cannot understand.

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