
definition of matter

In general terms, matter is known as that substance of which physical bodies are composed, which has elementary particles and has properties such as inertia, gravitation and extension.

The word matter, both at the behest of physics and philosophy, is the term used to refer to those issues inherent to objective material reality, because matter is considered as that which will form the sensitive part of objects that can be seen and detected through physical means since they occupy a certain space, they can be seen, touched, felt, measured, among other possibilities.

So, the three characteristic properties of matter are: that it occupies a certain place in space, that it has mass and a duration in time.

Likewise, in common language the term subject is used almost daily when you want to refer to a topic or subject, for example, in the discussion that can occur within a political party, the topic of the next elections is a subject that will appear in the index of subjects to be discussed when the next meeting of the same takes place.

But on the other hand and In an academic context, the subject term will refer to a subject. Social Sciences, Mathematics, Language and Literature, Biology, History, Civic Instruction, Geography, among others, correspond to what in the educational environment is generally referred to as study subjects.

On the other hand, when someone talks about Gray matter, He is not referring to any type of matter plausible to receive a certain color, but in the context of anatomy, gray matter is called the matter that covers and is part of our central nervous system and which is in charge the performance of the main brain functions. It was given that name because precisely it has a grayish tone.

And on the other hand, the other type of matter widely known and disseminated is the raw material, that refers to each of the materials extracted from nature and that serve to transform it and later create consumer goods. According to their origin, they are classified as vegetable, animal and mineral, such as wood, leather, iron, among others.

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