
definition of unheard

The word unheard presents two recurring uses in our language, on the one hand, it usually applies to everything that which was never heard or said and therefore turns out to be absolutely astonishing and surprising to the eyes and ears of anyone.

That which was never said or heard and that for example generates astonishment

These are events that are not characterized precisely by their daily life and for example generate surprise immediately, even many times they can even be interpreted as illogical and incoherent.

A child who sings and tunes like a professional with years of experience with only two years is obviously an unheard of fact.

On the other hand, sometimes the surprising and astonishing quality of something is such that it borders on the absurd and, for example, both concepts are often related.

A positive or negative surprise

We must also say that the unheard of may surprise us in a positive or negative way; The example expressed above is positive, while, for example, knowing that a person is capable of doing enormous evils against others without repenting will surprise us negatively.

On the other hand, what qualifies as unheard of depends a lot on subjectivity, that is, it is intimately linked with it, since what for someone may be unheard of for another is not.

For example, a person who loves their pet and sits it at the table with the family will not see it as something unheard of while others will appreciate it that way.


For example, recently, when a group of turtles crossed the landing and take-off runway of the New York International Airport, John Fitzgerald KennedyThis situation was widely reflected by the media as it was a rare event, which immediately caused shock and surprise to both locals and others.

Normally, those issues outside a specific context or field, such is the situation in the case mentioned above, but that in any case happen due to x motivation, are considered as unheard of.

Also, those scandalous events, especially those linked to public figures, which suddenly provoke an astonishing event, are framed within the scope of the concept of unheard of. For example, a few days ago it was unheard of to learn that now Princess of Monaco Charlene Wittstock attempted to escape several times after learning of an alleged new unacknowledged paternity of the Prince Albert of Monaco, her fiance.

The mass media, especially television and now also the Internet, following the takeoff that new technologies have had in the acceptance of the public, have a special predilection for those issues that turn out to be unheard of.

That is, they echo these questions that are curious, and incredible to anyone's gaze.

Many times even, the aforementioned media hunt for this type of news in order to capture the attention of the public that has a very special inclination to read unheard of news.

Something unbearable and intolerable

And the other frequent use of the word unheard of is to refer to something that is unbearable and intolerable. For example, when something violates the good customs that an individual maintains or against his morals and that in no way can be admitted, it will be considered by him as unheard of. For a practicing Catholic that his son decides not to marry in the church as required by the Catholic rite will turn out to be an unheard of fact.

One of the best known and most used synonyms for unheard of is unusual, a word that is also used a lot to express what surprises for better or for worse.

The opposite side of the unheard of is the normal, which is the same as saying what happens always, frequently and therefore is not surprising in any way, even more so, we expect it.

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