
definition of sleazy

The concept Sordid can be applied to what from a moral point of view is considered dirty or stained. Without referring very specifically to anything, Sordid applies as much to circumstances as to places or individuals that display unpleasant, indecent or obscene characteristics.

In fact Sordid comes from the Latin "Sordidus", which means "to be dirty", and therefore its use is used to define everything that has indecent or sinister connotations. It can therefore be applied to an individual and to an environment, provided that the set of characteristics that represent them are not very exemplary from the moral point of view.

Examples of Sordidness

The adjective Sordid is usually closely linked to all the concepts that society places on a lower scale. Thus, if a neighborhood is characterized by a strong presence of women who practice prostitution, it is not difficult for it to be classified as sordid. The same applies to marginal areas with high crime rates.

This identification with the lack of virtue is also used when applying the adjective sordid to people. It is said that it is a "seedy guy" when it is intended to imply that his moral character leaves much to be desired, and that therefore his character has as an identifying feature being able to do anything, without any type of ethical consideration being an impediment.

Although to a lesser extent, it can be applied to qualify physical appearance, acting in this case as a synonym for unpleasantness. If the physical presence of a person is disturbing or sinister, that is, it generates concern, discomfort, discomfort or fear, that individual can be classified as a type "rugged and sordid", without there really being a background against which their morals or character is being judged.

Finally, Sordid can also be used as an adjective that implies intention to do evil. "Unaware of his sordid intentions, she offered to accompany him"

As can be seen, the adjective Sordid implies a wide spectrum of negative connotations that include malice, amorality, dishonesty, indecency, filth or poverty.

It is usually associated with the lower strata of society, sometimes unfairly, since although many of its meanings are related to the existence of misery, this does not imply that there cannot be sordidness at a moral level in individuals of any social scale.

Photo: iStock - kieferpix

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