
definition of fervor

The term fervor is one that is used to designate any feeling or sensation of great passion, devotion and dedication that people can show in certain situations in life. The fervor is related in many ways to situations or circumstances linked to the religious, to the mystical since it is in those moments in which the human being in question believes in something that he cannot know in a concrete way and then appeals to his spirituality, to her sensations, to her feelings to give herself completely to him. Fervor can be seen as something positive in terms of dedication and commitment to something, but also as something negative when it involves an irrational or uncontrolled way of acting.

The human being, as a conscious being, has the possibility of managing his feelings, desires or interests to a large extent through rationality. However, fervor is perhaps one of those sensations or feelings that arise from the depths of being and that often escapes rational or conscious explanation as it can happen with other things. Fervor is something that arises spontaneously, that is, the individual cannot seek to feel fervor for something if he does not do it unconsciously. Depending on each particular situation or circumstance, fervor can arise from one minute to another but also progressively. This last case is the most common since for a person to feel extreme devotion or surrender to a phenomenon (such as a religious phenomenon) they must internalize it as their own and feel it grow in their being.

As said, the feeling of fervor is something that is linked in most cases with religious issues since religion or spirituality connects people with non-palpable, non-quantifiable areas. That is why the only way to truly understand and feel the presence of a god, a worshiped figure or a religious belief system is through fervor, feeling, and identification with it on a spiritual and much deeper level. than rational.

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