
binary code definition

The Binary Code is a system of representation of texts or instruction processors of a computer, which makes use of the binary system, meanwhile, the binary system is that numbering system that is used in the mathematics and computer science and in which the numbers are represented using only the digits zero and one (0 and 1).

Especially at the request of telecommunications and computer science, this code is used with different data encoding methods such as: character strings, bit strings, and can be of fixed width or variable width.

Today's numbering systems are weighted, which means that each position of a sequence of digits will have a weight associated with it, while the binary system is in fact a numbering system of this type: weighted.

Another feature of this type of code is the continuity that makes the possible combinations of the code adjacent, that is, from any combination of the code to the next, only one bit will change (continuous code). And the code will be cyclical when the last combination is in turn adjacent to the first.

For their part, correcting error codes and detector error codes They represent a very important and definitive solution to the problem of data transmission through electrical impulses, since there are a good number of factors that can trigger a change in the electrical signal at a certain time, thus causing the error we mentioned.

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