
definition of extraordinary

The word extraordinary It is widely used in our language and allows referring various questions.

That which is unusual and out of the ordinary

When something turns out to be unusual or not at all common we say of him that he is extraordinary.

Your presence in the office so early in the morning is truly something extraordinary.”

When something is extraordinary, that is to say, it deserves that nickname, it will be because it does not adhere to the order or the natural rule, it always goes out of the ordinary and habitual, it attracts attention greatly.

The famous exception to the rule that opposes the usual, and captures our attention, fascinates us, for better or for worse, because of course, something can be unpleasantly extraordinary, although it is more common to use the concept linked to questions or positive things.

That better than average

On the other hand, then, when something is better than average, than average, we say it is extraordinary.

In the restaurant on the corner they serve an extraordinary lunch.”

It is a sense that is used a lot in our language and is usually applied in relation to things, people, situations, among so many other issues.

What is added to the common

Also, we often use this word to express that which is incorporated or added to the ordinary.

This sense is frequently applied to refer to those extra powers that are conferred on some government authorities in political or special conjunctural situations, which, due to such circumstances, demand that these powers be intensified to allow greater decision-making authority on sensitive issues.

Generally, it is the legislative power that gives these extraordinary powers to the executive, however, it is important to say that in many cases once they are held, excesses tend to occur that do not end well for the democratic exercise of the nation in question.

Throughout history, many dictatorships have thrown themselves the right to hold these special powers and protected by them they made calamities and trampled not only human rights but also individual freedoms.

Press: special edition that publishes a medium on a topic relevant to public opinion

At field of the press extraordinary is called that special edition that the media decides to publish as a consequence of an exceptional event that captures the attention of public opinion and therefore requires a detailed and exclusive approach, dedicating a significant number of pages to it, in the case of a newspaper, or hours, if it is a newscast or news channel.

For example, the assumption of the new Pope and the special status of the first Latin Pope led to the publication of many extraordinary issues in all the newspapers and the presentation of special television programs in which the personal life of the new pontiff was covered. his ecclesiastical trajectory, his profile, his interests, his friends, his political position, among other issues, in addition to of course an absolute coverage of every moment that the election implied, the moment immediately after and finally his assumption as such.

Labor: extra money that an employee receives with his salary

On the other hand, in the labor sphere, the word extraordinary designates that sum of additional money that an employee receives together with his salary for the month, usually in concept for having done overtime or some special work that deserved a remuneration other than the traditional one.

The word in question has a variety of synonyms, among which the following stand out: exceptional, impressive and surprising.

The one who stands out for being different

If something or someone is far from the ordinary or something happens very frequently, it will be said that it is exceptional.

Juan is an exceptional man, he works and also helps at home with housework..

That which impresses us or causes surprise

On the other hand, when something causes a huge impression on us, rather of admiration or astonishment, we will say that it is impressive.

The staging of the play is impressive.”

And on the other hand, when something arouses admiration, surprise, or is strange to us, we will express it in terms of surprising; everything that escapes normality and what we are used to. Your brother's recovery is amazing.

Meanwhile, the word that directly opposes is that of normal, which refers to what turns out to be general, ordinary, or that occurs with recurrence, not causing any kind of strangeness.

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