
definition of disagreement

The word is made up of the prefix des, which means negative, and the noun compromise, which expresses conformity, understanding or agreement. In terms of its meaning, a disagreement is some kind of disagreement or disagreement. The disparity of opinions and criteria is inherent to the human race and is present in any sphere of reality.

Despite the fact that discrepancies or disagreements generate a certain tension, they have a positive part, because through them we can get to know others better and put ourselves in their place.

On the personal level

Two people have disagreements when they have two different ways of understanding something or when their behaviors are incompatible in some way. It is quite common between couples that there is a disparity of criteria regarding the education of the children, when deciding the place of vacation or on any other matter.

Something similar can happen between friends or colleagues.

Of course, there are minor and major discrepancies. The former can be resolved through dialogue or simply with a tolerant attitude. The latter can lead to a separation or a conflict situation.

At the level of politics

The political representatives of a nation also have all kinds of disagreements, usually of an ideological nature. Their opposing assessments are revealed in the parliamentary debate, in electoral campaigns or in the media. Despite this, the different political formations have to reach agreements to govern and when this happens a pact is reached in which each of the parties partially renounces their initial proposals.

In the political field, discrepancies not only occur between parties of different ideologies but also sometimes take place within a political formation itself, and when this happens there is talk of internal disagreements.

The figure of the arbitration award is intended to resolve disputes

In most circumstances disagreements can be resolved in some way. However, certain problems have a difficult solution because none of the parties involved is willing to give in or to dialogue. In these cases, arbitration mediation is likely to be necessary.

In legal terms there is, in fact, the figure of the arbitration award. It consists of settling a legal conflict through the intermediation of a mediator arbitrator who tries to get the two parties involved to reach a reasonable agreement.

Photos: Fotolia - suslo / lenka

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