
definition of wild

The term wild is used as an adjective to refer to those living beings that are born and develop in nature, in a wild way and without domestication or without being part of a civilization. Although the term is applied in most cases to plants and vegetables, it can also be used for animals and even human beings that grow in those conditions.

The notion of wild has to do with that of rusticity in the good sense of this word. The wild, the rustic or the not domesticated is the wild: that which was born and developed in an environment not inhabited or dominated by humans and their specific cultural system. While historically the environment was generally kept for millennia in the wild, today a large part of the animal and plant species have been able to be domesticated by man in some way. Thus, wild animals such as elephants or lions or plants and crops of various types can be born and grow in non-wild environments, dominated by man.

By not knowing or mastering certain animal and plant species, the human being always ran risk since being wild they could be harmful or dangerous. The wild elements that a plant can have can become very threatening to human health and that is why when domesticating it, its growth is stimulated in a controlled and systematized environment according to the needs or preferences of man.

Despite not knowing a significant number of cases, there have also been occasions in which human beings have been born and lived a large part of their lives in wild or savage environments, without knowing the culture (understood as an abstract concept, not as a concept of erudition). This makes it extremely difficult for these people who remain in the wild to adapt to civilization because elements of their personality, their character and their instincts are already formed around the natural and wild environment in which they always lived.

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