
summary definition

According to the context in which it is used, there are different references for the term summary.

Summary of something

In its most general use, summary refers a summary, compendium or sum of something.

The summaries generally summarize informative presentations on some question, a text, a class, among others.

Its purpose is usually to get a first idea or panorama about what is summarized.

At the academic level, it is an element widely used by students to learn the content of a subject, which they have to take, or to understand the essentials of a presentation by their teachers.

The summary allows the most important and salient to be compiled, and then, later, it will be easier to learn the subject, since the relevant information dumped in the summary will be reviewed. The summaries are limited to contain the essentials.

To prepare a good summary it is important to start from a general reading of the text, then it will be necessary to read again but more carefully, assimilating concepts and underlining what is most important.

Then all this is ideal to be rewritten on a paper with its own vocabulary.

On the other hand, summaries are usually a resource widely used at the behest of cinema or plays, because through them the viewer is offered a general idea of ​​the content of the story, which is of great help to the time to promote the show, if it presents an interesting summary that attracts the public.

It can also be the reason why someone decides not to see a work, if the summary did not appeal to them.

Section that anticipates notes or topics in a magazine or in a radio or television program

In the field of mediaespecially from magazines, the summary is a section that anticipates the notes contained in the edition and indicates on which page each of them can be found, thus making it much easier for readers to search for their topics of interest.

"In the summary you will find exactly the page on which the note about our restaurant appears."

This very common practice of the graphics was also transferred to the audiovisual media and thus it is that the radio and television news programs, and the programs of general interest, among others, present summaries in which they anticipate the topics that will be addressed during the program. In this way the viewer will know what will be covered in that program, and therefore if they are interested in staying watching or not, if there is a topic of interest to them.

Because of this situation, summaries are usually prepared with a hook and that arouse interest.

Series of actions that facilitate the preparation of a criminal trial

On the other hand, in the field of Right, the summary, is the set of actions that allow the preparation of the criminal trial.

The summary records the perpetration of a crime and also mentions the circumstances that may influence its qualification and the determination of the guilt of the crime for which someone is accused. That is, in some way it could be said that the summary in this area is the preparation of the trial.

In the trials, the causes that demand the resolution by a judge are presented. They can range from administrative and economic issues to criminal acts of murders.

On the other hand, a summary judgment It will be the one in which it proceeds very briefly, omitting certain procedures and formalities that are carried out in ordinary trials. Also known as a summary process, in the summary trial all the parts of an ordinary trial are brought together in a single act, in which the investigation, the analysis of the evidence, the judgment and the conviction will take place. The sentence is issued in a very short time. These types of trials are more common in extraordinary situations such as: revolutions, war or revolts.

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