
definition of gossip

The word gossip It is frequently used in our language and is the term we use mostly to refer to that gossip, rumor, or story that exists around some question or someone and that due to certain circumstances has not been made known, transcended.

Gossip or story that is commented on someone or something but that is not confirmed and can consist of false or true news

Basically because the protagonists do not want to do it and then before the journalistic request or of whoever, on the subject, they deny it, but the story persists and circulates. .

It should be noted that it can be true information, that is, comment on something that is absolutely true, or failing that, gossip may have the intention of promoting false news with the clear mission of affecting or damaging the reputation of someone or something , as appropriate.

Although where there are human beings who coexist, interact, among other issues, there will also be gossip about this or that or the things or not that he or she does, it is in the artistic world in which this type of stories and stories proliferate. gossip, especially because many times those involved in gossip do not come out in the first person to confirm or reject the versions that exist about them and then, they collaborate in the gossip to settle and spread everywhere.

The famous, the center of rumors

On the other hand, artists of all kinds (actors / actresses, musicians, etc.), athletes, politicians, journalists and any other celebrity always arouse the interest of the public that follows them or not, but that beyond that they It is interesting to know what they do in addition to their profession, they want to know about their intimate lives, among other issues and so it is that the pink press, of the heart or of entertainment, as it is known in various parts of the world, is precisely concerned with meddling in their private lives and bring information and images to the public.

This interest is especially evident in the high audience levels of these programs that address issues of private life, and also the graphic press that also deals with this type of subject.

Furthermore, around the artistic world there is a true gossip industry that is looking for, generating and proposing gossip about the most famous celebrities 24 hours a day and that attract the most attention from the public.

Obviously, this public is the main consumer of this type of content that is generally disseminated in various media such as magazines specialized in gossip, TV shows about entertainment that tell gossip about famous people, sections in newspapers, among others.

Ways to spread gossip

Among the most common ways to spread gossip or to get secret information about someone spread and spread among their acquaintances are: indiscretionIn other words, the subject of the news or the action confesses to someone something that he has done or that happens with the promise that he does not spread it and then the latter, despite the commitment, circulates it.

Also, another traditional way of knowing gossip is listening to other people's conversations.

It is worth mentioning that gossip can be a double-edged sword, since when the information in question is unfavorable to its protagonists and is still being made known, it could generate certain difficulties and problems that are difficult to solve and even damage forever someone's reputation or track record.

Romances, infidelities, pregnancies, arguments and office problems , are some of the issues that raise the most gossip.

The anger of celebrities when the press gets into their private lives

Now, it is worth noting that there is another side of the coin that is opposed to the interest of the fans to know more about their idols and it is the little desire and desire on the part of the famous that is known about their intimate lives, we cannot generalize, But the vast majority are bothered when they take pictures when they are in some situation in their private life that has nothing to do with their work, even, many times, the famous can get so angry that they even develop a violent attitude against the cameraman or paparazzi who wants to portray it.

Infinite cases are published daily of celebrities who have attacked a media professional when he wanted to capture them in a daily scene.

Of course, aggressions must always be condemned but it is also a reality that public figures have the right to request discretion about some aspects of their lives that they do not want to show, for example photos of their underage children, and this should be respected ... Ideally, the press and famous people agree to avoid scandals and attacks.

With the exception of that famous person who likes to show his life in the media all the time and suddenly gets offended if any gossip is commented on him.

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