
song definition

The song is considered as the product of a work that combines both music or melody with lyrics and sounds to be emitted by a singer. Unlike many other musical pieces, what perhaps most firmly defines the song is the fact that it is designed to be performed vocally by a singer. The versatility of the songs is what allows them to be adapted to one or more singers, to different musical styles, to different instruments and to different rhythms.

Like any musical composition, the song is structured primarily through a melody. To this melody must be added a lyrical part in which a letter is designed so that the corresponding interpreter sings it in the appropriate way. The dynamics that are established between the melody and the lyrics in a song can also be very flexible since while some authors are characterized by developing songs with a lot of meaning, others are famous for their simplicity and accessibility.

A song can vary immensely in terms of style, instruments, composition, and length. This situation has intensified since the birth of the popular song since each author can create songs of different types and durations without having to respond to rigid parameters previously established.

The song is today one of the most important elements of Western culture. As part of musical art, the song can respond to rock, pop, rap and hip hop, blues and jazz, among other styles. Each style builds its preferred type of song but there are no rules regarding its characteristics, and they can be short or long.

Normally, the structure of the song tends to be similar in all cases although specificities always operate. In this sense, a song usually has an exchange between verses and refrains to which must be added the moments in which the instruments continue the melody without lyrics or without the presence of the singing voice.

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