
output definition

One of the most widespread uses of the word exit, in the whole world, is to refer to thatplace through which you go outside a space.

Place through which you can go to the outside of a building and that is represented by a door and is often signposted

Through the exit you are leaving a place where you were and also the concept refers to the material place through which you exit.

Generally, in public spaces, it is signposted with an indicator sign that has the legend written with the word exit.

The place through which one leaves a place will always imply a door that allows us to access the exterior of the building in question and vice versa, that door also acts as an entrance.

Public buildings as well as private ones, such as houses and buildings, have exits that also act as entrances.

On the other hand, vehicles, such as cars and public transport in general, have exits in the form of doors, such as cars and buses, while subways or subways have different exits to the streets. adjacent to the station, through which passengers go outside from the basement, which is where the subways travel.

On the other hand, step that links the inside with the outside and facilitates the passage to the outside precisely, it is also called output.

Also, the departure from a certain place is designated by the term of departure.

This departure can be done on foot, or failing that, you may need a special vehicle or transport, such as a car, a plane, a boat, a bicycle, among others.

Celebration or meeting with friends

Another common use that we give to this word is to refer to the meeting, the meeting, that is organized with friends and that I could have as a mission the celebration of something, a birthday, some special date for some of the members of the group, among other possible alternatives.

These outings are almost always made in restaurants, bars, confectioneries, discos, among others, and by case, they are called this way because they imply the fact of being carried out in a place that is not someone's house and they suppose having to approach a specific space such as those mentioned.

Outings are frequent among groups of friends but there are also family outings, that is, that only involve family members, outings with work colleagues, for example to celebrate the end of the year, or some achievement of the company, outings with clubmates, outings between couples, which are usually full of romance, because they are given to celebrate anniversaries or days of love, among other options.

What protrudes from a body

TO that which protrudes from a body beyond what is considered normal it is usually described with the term of exit. "Laura has a very sticky nose, that's why the boys make fun of her at school.”

Use in computing and more

In the field of computer science, the use of this concept is also common to refer to the arrival of information or data, from the computer to the user, while the output devices in this same context are the modem, a printer, speakers , monitor, among others.

This concept is also used to refer many more questions ...To the starting point (“the departure of my plane is just tomorrow morning”); to excuse or pretext that someone imposes in a given situation and that allows them to withdraw from an uncomfortable situation through consistent and adequate motivation (“Ask Marcos, he comes up with outings for all those who do not want to visit their mother-in-law”); to the method of dealing with a difficult situation or danger (“selling more will be the way out of my financial problems”); to witty phrase and usually loaded with fine irony (“my uncle's exits are so funny that we don't stop laughing every time we see him”); to specific probability of sale of certain goods and services (“these fabrics will have an immediate exit, you'll see”); to the very good future that an a priori situation offers us (“the legal profession has a guaranteed job opportunity”).

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