
definition of waiter

Young guy, youth

In our language, the term waiter enjoys a certainly widespread use and can be used both to refer to a young individual, more precisely to one who has already passed childhood but who cannot yet be considered an adult.

And due to a transitive nature, the word is also used to refer to everything that is proper or associated with youth: young years, young times, among others. "A young man as handsome as you cannot be doing such heavy work."

Person serving the tables of a bar

And on the other hand we use the word to call that individual who works professionally serving tables, a bar, restaurant, cafeteria, among other gastronomic places. "The waiter who attended us last night was very attentive, he is the best in the restaurant"

Now, without a doubt, the second reference is the one that is most popular for us and the one that is most used in these times. The other use has become somewhat obsolete, it was a more common use in times past. Our grandmothers used to speak in good-looking terms.

Main tasks of a waiter

Then, the waiter, also called as waiter and waiter, is that person who displays the job of serving customers, diners in a gastronomic establishment such as restaurants, bars, or failing that, in hotels.

Once the client (s) are at the table, the waiter approaches, welcomes them and offers them the menu or menu of the place. Then, you will have to take care of taking the order from them, both in terms of chosen dishes and also in terms of drinks.

Other tasks that the waiter performs is the collection of the dishes once the clients have finished eating, in order to be able to serve them the second course or dessert, or when they leave the establishment.

The waiters are usually dressed in a white shirt and black pants and a black bow, however, there are also establishments that design special clothing for their waiters that has nothing to do with what is described.

The tip, a prize for the attention of the waiter

If the attention of the waiter was good, it is usual for the client to leave them on the table or in the folder in which the bill is delivered, a tip, which is normally established and which will be 10% of the consumption, although, the usual is that the client leaves an amount according to their capacity, some leave more, others less and some others nothing.

The tip turns out to be very important for the waiters since it is a very important additional income, in addition to their salaries, and with which they can make income differences.

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