
definition of institutions

Foundation or establishment of something

The term institutions corresponds to the plural of the word institution, while the word institution has various references. In its broadest sense, an institution turns out to be the foundation or establishment of something, or, what has been instituted and founded.

Organizations that have an educational or charitable purpose

On the other hand, the term institution is recurrently used to designate those organisms that preeminently perform a function of public interest, especially educational, cultural or charitable. For example, a language teaching center and a specialized drug addiction recovery center are two types of institutions that, although with different purposes, both carry out a practice oriented to the public interest.

So, we mostly use the concept to refer to those established social orders that represent recognized organisms in terms of social interaction and cooperation.

State institutions that have the responsibility of normalizing relations in society

Meanwhile, in the field of politics, the term has a special importance, since in this way they are also designated to each of the fundamental organizations of a State or Nation. In a democracy, for example, the institutions also act as mechanisms of social order and cooperation whose main reason for being is to normalize the behavior of the inhabitants of the society who live under the so-called democracy.

Because a country that does not value, care for and strengthen its institutions will surely suffer different disorders that will complicate its harmonious development.

The importance of institutions in the development of a society

All companies, without exceptions, have their own institutions that have agreed forms of relationship. Institutions date from the earliest times of men's organization, even, most of today's institutions are current copies of those that emerged for the first time in the past.

No society worth its salt will be able to function effectively if it does not have institutions.

In political matters, and within a democratic system, the division of powers and the constitution of the nation are examples of institutions and are undoubtedly the most relevant. The division of powers is extremely important because it is the one that in this system guarantees the independence of each power and of course this situation is what allows it to be an effective controller against the other. The constitution, for its part, is the mother norm and the one that deserves the greatest respect and observations because it is the one that will guarantee living in a state of law in which the law, the rights and guarantees of all the components are respected. .

And in social matters we cannot bypass institutions such as marriage and the family.

It is important to say that any attack on any of these institutions will imply an attack on the current social and political order and not to mention the setback that this will mean for the country in question because the world always looks at the strength that a nation offers in institutional matters, and if This does not happen in fact, it is usual that that country is not given credit, courage and trust.

We must not forget that institutions are run, managed by human beings and many times all their tricks are materialized in them and this only damages the image of an institution.

Main elements of an institution

Among the elements that make up and define an institution are the following: permanence (an institution remains and lasts in time regardless of the mood of its creative wills and constantly recruiting new members), uniforms behaviors (presents directives that his followers must strictly follow to fulfill his purposes), has a specific purpose (whenever an institution is created there will be an end) and tools that help you achieve your goals (materials, ideals and personal).

The one who stands out in some context

And finally, When the term is applied to an individual, that is, when in a certain field someone is said to be an institution, it will imply that that someone enjoys great prestige for x situation, because he is recognized in the practice of a subject or because he has been successful in some way. For example, "the cardiologist who operated on dad is an institution within cardiology."

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