
definition of business competitiveness

There are certain concepts in the corporate and business world that are essential to take into account when trying to find the best results. One of them is the concept of business competitiveness, by which we understand the search for efficiency and effectiveness that different companies, business entities and corporations carry out in order to position themselves as the best in their fields or areas, surpassing possible competitors.

We speak of business competitiveness when referring to the different strategies and methods that the various commercial entities carry out in order not only to obtain the best results but also to ensure that those results are the best in the field. Thus, companies carry out different campaigns in which, through elements such as advertising, product or service quality, trust, effectiveness or tradition, they appeal to different clients that may already exist or that may be generated from now on.

While a company always seeks to obtain a certain type of result that allows it to survive in the area in which it is inserted, the idea of ​​business competitiveness also assumes that companies compete with each other to position themselves in the best possible way within the framework of al existence of a supply of products or services greater than or equal to the demand. Business competitiveness can, however, also be linked to the different mechanisms that are established within the entity itself to favor the proper development and interest in improving of all the sections that compose it, as well as of the individuals who work in her, whatever her position. Business competitiveness always exists, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the item, the supply-demand equation, the idea of ​​self-demand, etc. All of them are the elements that can change the attention that a company pays to its product or service and the position it has in the market.

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