
definition of psychopedagogy

The psychopedagogy It is that discipline within psychology that deals with addressing the behavior of people and psychic phenomena in the educational framework.

Branch of psychology that deals with addressing, identifying and treating behaviors and problems within the educational context to achieve improvements in learning

Its mission is to achieve improvements in both the didactic and pedagogical methods that intervene in the educational process.

It focuses on the individual person, but also on the environment and surroundings

That is why psychopedagogy focuses on the person who studies but also on their environment, since it considers this also fundamental, both in the success and failure of the process.

Always, the primary objective of this specialty is the satisfactory development of the person in the educational field he attends.

Although the primary field of action of psychopedagogy is educational, it also deploys its action in work, family, business, training contexts, among others.

The events and situations in which he has to intervene to bring his professional perspective closer and be able to solve the problems that a student is suffering, for example, are varied.

When and how does it intervene

Can guide parents in parenting guidelines, teachers on how to approach a student with learning disabilities, prevention of antisocial behaviors, resolution of conflicts that occur in the classroom between peers or between teachers and students, in the learning values, aptitude, and in any activity that is associated with the planning and transformation of the educational process.

But undoubtedly the most recurrent action in which this discipline intervenes is when it comes to providing advice to be able to reintegrate those children or young people who have learning problems.

It will deal with delving into the causes that produce this problem, among which we can count: family problems, lack of interest and motivation in the content, cognitive immaturity due to a physical disorder, social problems, among the most frequent.

Meanwhile, once the problem is identified, they must organize and implement a treatment to rehabilitate the problem of that child or young person and that it can be developed in the classroom in a compliant manner.

Of course, each individual has very personal characteristics that must be taken into account when designing the treatment, we are not all the same, and for example, the process used in one person can be very effective but not at all in another. .

Childhood and adolescence are two crucial stages in a person's life, in which very relevant physical and mental changes occur, especially in the second, and then it is very important that psychopedagogy take them into account when carrying out carry out their reintegration plans, differentiating biological, environmental and social issues.

In addition, psychopedagogy should especially support the parents of the students it addresses because they also demand information and tools to be able to address the problems that their children show in the educational process.

It should be noted that the work of this is closely linked with other specialties of psychology, such is the case of the learning psychology and evolutionary psychology, among others, and it is also a field that has an important influence on topics and issues such as: special education, curriculum design, educational policy, educational therapies, among other.

Now, in all the action that psychopedagogy unfolds, that is, in the implementation of didactic methodologies, it must take into account the diversity presented by the public to which it directs its activity and also the particular needs of the students.

The professional who is dedicated to this branch within psychology is known as psychopedagogue and will have in their hands the difficult and complex task of guiding and encouraging students in the learning process but also of identifying problems, diagnosing them and drawing up a plan to overcome them and that in this way the student can satisfactorily fulfill the educational objective .

The contribution of the psychologist Jean Piaget

The French psychologist Jean William Fritz Piaget, of a constructivist tendency, is undoubtedly one of the referents of the subject thanks to the contributions he has made after his research on childhood.

His theories of assimilation and accommodation.

The first ensures that the child internalizes the objects or events to an already established cognitive structure, while the second involves the modification of the aforementioned cognitive structure with the intention of conceiving new objects or events.

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