
definition of choline

In the field of geography, the word hill is used to designate that natural elevation of a terrain with a rounded appearance and with a height less than that of a mountain. Normally a hill does not exceed 100 meters from its base and up to its maximum top.

Also called as closed In some Spanish-speaking parts, the hill is formed by different phenomena, among which the following stand out: geomorphological, erosion, movements and depositions of the sediments of a glacier.

Formerly, the hills were used for the establishment of settlements and communities that sought to protect themselves from inclement weather, which led to flooding or flooding of rivers. Also, the hill was an excellent tool to establish oneself in those cases in which it was necessary to defend against an enemy.

One of the most famous of this last question is the Ancient city of Rome It was just built on seven hills to defend against enemy attack.

On the other hand, there are many monuments, temples and churches that have been erected on hills with the same goal of serving as protections for them. The Washington City Cathedral It is an example of this situation, it was precisely built on the highest hill in the city.

And at the behest of the chemistry, we also find a reference for the word since in this context it refers to that nutrient soluble in water and associated with vitamin B complexes.

It should be noted that choline is the molecule from which the acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for a number of important functions within our brain. A neurotransmitter is responsible for sending information between consecutive and joined neurons from the synapse.

In the specific case of acetylcholine, it has been distributed throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, dealing especially with everything associated with memory. For this reason, choline turns out to be an essential nutrient in any diet to add to this important function and of course, to a healthy life.

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