
definition of dilation

In general terms the term dilatationsupposes the widening, elongation or increase in size of some issue or thingMeanwhile, it has a special use in several different contexts but always respecting its more general meaning, which is the one mentioned at the beginning of the review.

For example at the request of the physical, dilation, better known in the environment as thermal dilation, is the change in length, volume or some other metric dimension that a physical body will undergo as a result of the change in temperature to which it is subjected by any means. If one subjects any body to heat, its volume will inevitably undergo a modification in response to the action of heat, separating the molecules and reducing the density of the aforementioned. A concrete case and model turns out to be when a test tube is subjected to fire.

On the other hand and in a medical context, dilation is considered a typical physiological process that can affect any individual in their eyes, how to be when the pupil increases in size as a result of the action of an external factor or to natural process that occurs exclusively among women, when they are about to give birth and that consists of the widening of the cervix to facilitate the expulsion of the baby.

Uterine dilation is undoubtedly one of the most feared processes by any woman when giving birth as a consequence of the pain that this supposes and implies for some women. The long duration of it is what normally terrifies pregnant women.

Meanwhile, its duration will vary depending on several factors: the number of births that the woman already carries, if it is a new mother, surely, the process will be more painful than in those who have gone through the situation a few times . Likewise, the age of the woman, the tissues tend to lose elasticity with the passage of time, the intensity of the contractions and the position in which the baby is will also be decisive.

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