
frame definition

Each of the consecutive images in a movie

Popularly, each of the images that occur in a motion picture and are considered in isolation is known as a frame..

The size of the frame will depend on the format of the film. The smallest 8 mm. It is 4.8 x 3.5 mm. And in the largest known as IMAX it is 69.6 x 48.5 mm. The larger the frame, the sharper the image projected on the screen.

Each of the images is printed on paper, while a photographic film collected by a camera of excellent resolution and speed will be the one that will allow to obtain that exact sequence of images printed on paper. When a certain sequence of frames can be viewed by the viewer with a certain frequency in the images, it is that they will then be able to feel the sensation of movement.

For the human eye to effectively perceive the movement of images, the frame must have a frequency lower than 50 Hz.

In the cinema they are projected 24 per second to create the illusion of movement

In the case of cinema, in order to be able as viewers to appreciate a film of this type of art, the frames must be projected with a cadence of 24 frames per second and then, with this frequency, the human eye will perceive the long-awaited illusion of movement.

Meanwhile, this situation that occurs in the cinema, but also in photography and television, is possible as a consequence that such a rapid succession of images will block the brain's ability to appreciate them as separate photographs, one by one, the This issue of persistence in sight will inevitably cause the brain to end up mixing the images in question and giving viewers the natural sensation of movement.

For example, the concept is closely linked with the aforementioned media and in particular with the seventh art.

To be able to appreciate a movie in cinema, as we pointed out lines above, it is required that the frames are projected at a rate of 24 per second in order to produce the illusion of movement.

Meanwhile, the frame rate plays a fundamental role ...

The visual effects that can be created with speed

Moving images are represented to the public at a constant speed that we have already indicated, however, varying the speed at which the image is captured, various effects can be created.

Capturing images at high speeds or, failing that, very low speeds and then reproducing them at the constant and agreed speed will cause important effects on their perception. Techniques that by the way are widely used today

The manipulation not only of time but also of space is an issue that greatly influences storytelling, it is a vital tool that the filmmaker has.

A widely used technique is speed ramping, which allows you to change the frame rate over time.

In the fantastic science fiction film Matrix, a cult proposal today, one can certainly observe techniques such as the aforementioned and many more in which the manipulation of time knows how to produce incredible effects before the viewer's gaze. Those effects that you see and will be thinking about the rest of the day, how they did it!

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