
definition of artifice

The word artifice It is a term that is used to refer to different questions.

One of the most widespread uses of the word is to indicate a art, skill or ingenuity with which something is done. This sense is often used when, for example, an artist stands out for the imprint he has attributed to one of his works. The author has put a lot of artifice in his new book.

Among the various synonyms that we find for this sense of the term, the one of ability. A skill is precisely the aptitude, a talent that is possessed to carry out an activity or task and that will then make it a success. Having artifice, having skill, is seen as having competence and expertise in accomplishing something.

An individual can have artifice in different fields of life, in the social sphere, in his work activity, in sports, in the communicative question, among so many others.

On the other hand, when there is a predominance of artistic elaboration over natural, there is also talk of artifice. Now, this sense of the term what he proposes to indicate is the excess present in artistic practice and that contributes to taking away from the work, the creation, the design, its spontaneity and naturalness.

Another use of the word is as synonym of invention of a machine, of an apparatus.

And in colloquial language when it is said that someone acted with artifice, it will imply that they have done so with great dissimulation and stealth. With much artifice he avoided making statements to the press.

Regarding the antonyms of this word, there are two specific properties, on the one hand that of naturalness that is precisely opposed to the sense that spoke of the artifice as excess. Naturalness implies spontaneity in the way of acting. And that of clumsiness it is the opposite concept of ability.

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