
definition of dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction is an inner feeling that a person experiences when they feel that a certain reality does not meet their expectations. Dissatisfaction shows a level of personal disenchantment produced by frustration that a certain wish has not been fulfilled.

It is a very human feeling that can be contextualized in very specific areas: at work, a person can feel this way when they have a precarious job, in a period of long-term unemployment, when faced with a job that does not connect with the professional vocation, being stuck at work ...

In the realm of the couple

In the same way, the feeling of dissatisfaction can also occur in the relationship when one person pays more attention to the defects of the other than to their virtues. From the point of view of happiness, unhappiness is marked by a deep degree of personal dissatisfaction with the present when the person takes stock of his existence and feels far from the point where he really would like to be.

The risk of chronic dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction is not negative in itself but it is when it becomes chronic. That is, when the person gets used to being at this point.

From the positive point of view, the feeling of dissatisfaction offers valuable information about the need for a change in a certain area. Therefore, the person who becomes aware of how he feels can value doing something about it.

Fight for happiness

However, dissatisfaction becomes chronic as a consequence of the desire for perfectionism or the limitless ambition of those who do not adjust their own expectations to adapt them to reality. There are some signs that help to identify dissatisfaction: constant complaint and negative thinking are two attitudes typical of those who do not feel satisfied with what they have and aspire to more.

The dissatisfied person lives more aware of the lack and does not practice existential gratitude. In this way, he suffers a lot because he does not value everything that he does possess. It is like the eternally dissatisfied child.

Dissatisfaction can be a starting point in a personal development process, as occurs when a person begins a coaching process with the aim of putting an end to that inner feeling to open the doors of happiness. Reaching this point implies effort and improvement.

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