
definition of fruitful

The adjective fruitful refers to the use of a specific action that has produced very positive results. For example, study hours can be fruitful if the student has made good use of the time and has progressed in their activities. The work in the company has been fruitful when the workers are motivated and have delivered their projects within the established deadline.

Any activity is fruitful when it produces profitable benefits that are an added value for society, for a person or for an institution. Therefore, these are actions that are good. The adjective fruitful can not only be applied to actions that have a pragmatic purpose, that is, they have a relationship of means in their connection with an end.

Healthy personal relationships

Healthy and positive personal relationships can also be classified as fruitful because they make the person feel good, raise self-esteem, provide resilience, add a pleasant company ... in short, true friendship produces emotional fruits. For this reason, we consider true friendships to be a gift in our life. Affection and love are fruitful because they are accompanied by hope. They are virtues that allow us to go beyond difficulties, that is, they allow us to overcome obstacles and solve differences that may occur in personal relationships. On the contrary, envy and pride are destructive feelings that only produce negative side effects.

One of the most important virtues is patience, precisely because having the ability to wait and respect the times of each person or each circumstance, we nurture the constancy of waiting. Patience is one of the most fruitful virtues, especially when accompanied by perseverance. While impatience can root out many fruits that, although they have not yet germinated, are still there, on the contrary, patience brings hope.

Rest is fruitful

It should be pointed out that not only the activity can be fruitful since rest is also fruitful. In fact, when the person rests and disconnects from their daily activities, they resume the routine with more energy. Rest can be inspiring since on many occasions, it is fatigue that produces exhaustion that causes an emotional blockage.

Photo: iStock / annebaek

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