
content definition

The word content is widely used in our language and we use it to designate various issues.

Loading of a product that is stored in a space or container

In its most general and wide-ranging use, content is that load of a product, raw material, among other alternatives, which is stored in a specific place, a box, a special container, an infrastructure specially designed to store these products.

Conceptual components of a message

On the other hand, at the request of the communication generated in the mass media, of speeches, or of a certain subject, this word is used to designate those conceptual elements that make up the logical structure of a message. and that as such they not only bring unity to it but also give it a meaning.

In the content of his speech, the president condemned the scandal caused by the collection of bribes in the national senate. Television content is increasingly violent, the regulatory body will have to take rigid measures.

Topic we talk or write about

The content is also that matter that is discussed and also written, whether in a book, a report, a conference, among others.

Set of knowledge that is learned in a school

In the field of education, it is a term of recurrent use because it designates a fundamental part of this field that is school content and that is basically the what of teaching, it is the series of knowledge that is accumulated in a culture and that in the school they will be learned by the students mediating the intervention of a teacher to achieve this objective.

These contents are essential for the development and socialization of students.

The candidates are part of a school program that is designed and organized by the appropriate authorities in the field.

The contents will be grouped into themes, subtopics and have an order that attends to the logic, psychology and pedagogy of the students.

In this way, a corresponding ranking of the content is guaranteed.

Index of subjects of a literary work

Also, the content is the index of topics that make up any literary work.

The index is an element that is usually never missing in a work.

Its importance lies in the fact that it consists of a list of words, indicators or phrases that are linked to the text in question and that allows us to easily and quickly locate them on the pages of the document or publication.

It should be noted that the indicators are generally the numbers of the pages of the book.

In the traditional index, that is to say, in the classic one, the headings usually imply proper names, of places, of events and even concepts selected as notable and that as such turn out to be of the utmost importance for the reader to understand and understand the work.

Index classes

There are various types of indices, while the most common include the following: content (This turns out to be the most common, also known as the table of contents; it deals with classifying the information of the work in chapters and in annexes), onomastic (this lists in alphabetical order the individuals who are mentioned in the work) and thematic (lists the topics and subtopics that are mentioned in the work; it is very common in popular science books).

Feeling or word that is not expressed openly

On the other hand, the word content is widely used to refer to that feeling or desire that a person does not express in an open and clear way, that is, they do not do it out loud or in full gestures due to some question that inhibits or prevents it.

A word, a phrase, a comment, and also a cry, a laugh or a hug can be contained because something causes the person not to express them.

There are contexts, people, situations or events that can cause a person to withdraw and not express himself in some sense.

For example, when someone is upset, sad about something, but knows that there is another loved one who is worse with that situation, it is common for them to hold back in order not to make them feel worse, for example crying.

Or if we are in a place where a situation that requires seriousness develops, we must respect it, and if something makes us laugh we must contain the laughter because otherwise said behavior will fall badly and be frowned upon, as a lack of respect on the part of those present.

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