
definition of attraction

The concept that concerns us below has a varied and widespread use in our language, which is why we tend to use it very commonly to refer to various issues and situations.

Action of attracting something

In general terms it is said that attraction is the action of attracting something, be it a thing, or failing that, a person. Undoubtedly, attraction is one of the most typically human actions and that people deploy with the mission of achieving a specific objective. When we want something, to achieve something, we will develop a series of strategies to achieve it and thus attract that object in question to us.

Force to attract

Also, when there is something that has the strength to attractIt will be said that it has the power of attraction. For example, "the attraction of the moon is what causes the tides."

Event or person that arouses interest or sympathy in the rest

On the other hand, when there is something, some question, event or person that arouses interest or sympathy among a large majority, it is discussed in terms of attraction. For example, "the presence of director Woody Allen at the opening of the Berlin Film Festival, without a doubt, marks a special attraction for critics and attendees."

And likewise, to those varied shows that are part of the same TV program or a play are called attraction. In other words, "the number of the Firulete Clown is the most important attraction that the Magic circus that will be presenting this weekend in the city has."

Tourist attractions: places that tourists want to visit for the cultural, historical or scenic value they present or for the adventure and fun they report

In this same direction, the concept of attraction is widely used in the tourist field to refer to those places of interest that tourists want to visit for the cultural, historical or scenic value they present or also for the adventure and fun they provide.

Undoubtedly, these so-called tourist attractions are often the hook that tourism and its industry find to attract more and more visitors to their cities. Because of course, for the most part, the tourist, when scheduling his pleasure trip, usually chooses those places in the world in which there are a large number of attractions of this style.

We must also say that those countries that have great attractions usually use them as "hooks" when attracting foreign tourism that after its passage will leave succulent dividends in the state coffers and in the economy of the country.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Colosseum in Rome, the Chinatown in the United States, the carnivals in Venice, are some examples of tourist attractions.

Ability of a person to attract the sexual interest of the opposite sex and those who can become their partner

On the other hand, the term attraction is found frequently linked to sex And this is why when we hear about attraction, we inevitably think first of all about sexual attraction, more than any other type of attraction such as those mentioned above, for example.

Sexual attraction, both in humans and in animals, although especially in the former, consists of the ability of a person to attract the sexual interest of the opposite sex and of those who can become their partner. Meanwhile, we must indicate that the same it will depend on an infinity of factors and obviously what is sexually attractive for one person may not be so at all for another.

Generally, there are some issues that tend to arouse the attraction of the opposite sex, in the case of animals, it can be the shiny feathers or the crests of some species of birds. And on the human side there are also conventions regarding attraction and there are also related more than anything to the physical subject.

The influence of the senses

The first meeting will depend largely on the perception of each sense, sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. If there is compatibility in almost everyone, it is more than certain that the two individuals will achieve the sexual act. Obviously this determining question of the senses will be erected in this crucial way only at the beginning of a relationship, obviously, after that other issues will come into play such as feelings, intelligence, common projects, among other issues.

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