
definition of discipline

For there to be an order in any area of ​​society, it is necessary to establish a series of guidelines and rules that determine what is allowed and what is not. In other words, a discipline.

It includes the implementation of an orderly and persevering action, in order to obtain a specific good or purpose, that is, to achieve a goal in life, whatever we propose, no matter how much perseverance or strength we have and that of course will help To achieve this, it is essential to have or have a personal order that organizes us to achieve it in a more concrete, neat and seamless way.

This in terms of the general features of the concept, while the concept of discipline is a term Widely used in the academic field and that in this context takes the name of school discipline and is about the code of conduct that must be observed and followed by both students and teachers and that is provided in any school regulation. The school -because it is a social actor that integrates individuals who come from different social classes, experiences-, it needs an organized system of discipline that guarantees order and proper functioning.

Discipline versus disorder

School activity, work, the military establishment or the circulation of vehicles have something in common, since in all these areas there are disciplinary norms that must be respected to facilitate human relations and avoid possible conflicts or undesirable situations. The alternative to discipline is, logically, disorder, uncertainty and anarchy.

The person who does not respect a disciplinary system creates a problematic situation that must be corrected in some way. If it is a small child in school, he will probably receive a slight punishment for his indiscipline. If criminal activity is carried out, the indiscipline is considered serious and can lead to imprisonment.

Why are the disciplinary rules enforced?

With regard to any disciplinary system, there are two possible approaches. On the one hand, someone can abide by it because they are convinced that it is their duty and because they consider that it is something reasonable. On the other hand, someone can fulfill it not because they believe in its content or its purpose, but because they fear some type of sanction or punishment if they do not respect it.

Written and unwritten rules

In certain activities, a series of specific rules must be observed, otherwise some type of disciplinary sanction must be assumed, which is contained in a written document. This is what happens with traffic regulations, with sports regulations or with the legal system in general.

There are activities in which there are no written rules, but even in them a discipline model is imposed. This is what happens with the education of children, since parents do not establish written rules, but they have to impose disciplinary guidelines so that their children know how to differentiate good from evil.

Other meanings of the term

The word discipline is also used to refer to some sub-section of a general activity. In this sense, athletics, engineering, art or philosophy are divided into specific branches or disciplines. On the other hand, some unconventional sexual practices are known as disciplines, as is the case with the so-called English discipline. Finally, it is said that a person is disciplined when he imposes on himself some system of rules to effectively organize his personal or professional activities.

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