
what is protuberance »definition and concept

To the word boss We usually use it in our language to refer to various questions.

Its more general and wide use allows us to express through it to that protruding part or the rounded bulge that a thing, a surface, or a person presents, either on their body or on their face.

So, this sense of the word can be applied both to people and to things and objects. In the case of individuals, it is common that sometimes, as a result of an illness or an accident, a lump appears on their face or in some part of the body, which is precisely called a lump. The condition of acne, for example, is usually accompanied by bumps, that is, pimples that contain fat or pus become inflamed and thus appear as bumps.

It should be noted that this type of protruding lumps does not turn out to be aesthetic at all and for example it will be common to seek to hide them from various cosmetic strategies.

While, in anatomy we also find a reference for this term, since it is called as annular or brain pons to the part of the brain that is located between the midbrain and the medulla oblongata.

The main mission of this protrusion is to act as a connector on the one hand the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord with those structures such as the cerebellum and the brain.

Observing the brain stem, it is the most prominent part and therefore it has been defined as a protrusion, due to the physical characteristics it displays.

By having a part of the reticular formation in its nucleus, it intervenes in the wakefulness and sleep cycles that are so important in the functioning of the human organism.

AND in AstronomyThe eruption of hot vapors that occurs around the sun is called a bulge.

Although there are many synonyms for this term, one of the most used is that of package, which allows us to express the swelling that a body or surface presents. And the concept that is opposed to the one at hand is that of smoothness, which expresses the opposite, the parity and smoothness of a surface.

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