
definition of exact

The word 'exact' is a qualifying adjective that is used to designate all those actions, elements, objects or phenomena that are handled with the exactitude or with the truth in some cases. The word can be used both within the scientific field, for example when it is said that an exact result is obtained according to the implementation of a certain procedure, as well as in the field of daily life and this is so when a person use the word to say that something is exactly true or that what someone else said is accurate because it respects the truth.

It is important to note that as with many things, the idea of ​​exact is largely subjective. This means that it can vary in meaning from person to person since when used in the everyday and day-to-day environment, each individual can give it a different meaning or meaning. For example, when a person is recounting an event according to how they lived it, another person may find it accurate since they experienced the same sensations, while another may not find it accurate either because they consider that they are lying or because they did not share the same experience.

One place where this term or this idea of ​​exact cannot vary is in the realm of science. This is so because to talk about something being exact or being done exactly, the scientists or professionals in the case must respect a number of rules and procedures whose main objective is to order the knowledge as well as classify it according to the results or phenomena that it generates. In this way, it is important to act accurately or exactly in the field of science since a small variation to that theory could mean important changes in the results obtained or developed in an experiment, research, etc.

Finally, we can say that the word is related, for the aforementioned, to a certain type of sciences that are designated as Exact Sciences since to understand the knowledge that they develop the procedures, formulas and experiments must follow an exact order.

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