
definition of national development

A nation's ability to offer its inhabitants a prosperous and peaceful life

By development it refers to expanding, giving extension to what is rolled or compressed and increasing it, maximizing what is susceptible to growth. Living beings, ideas, cultures, spaces, countries, among others, are plausible for development.

Meanwhile, the National Development turns out to be the ability of a country, a community, to improve the social welfare of its people, for example and among other issues, offering them excellent working conditions, concrete employment opportunities, access to education, decent housing, to health and the equitable distribution of national wealth, to all its inhabitants, without exceptions or conditions.

Such a state of affairs will only be possible through implementation of a set of policies that will facilitate economic growth in a balanced and equitable manner for each of the components. And another unavoidable issue in development is that the culture and tradition held by the community must be absolutely respected.

It is established that a developed country will be one that has reached a level of growth in almost all its areas, political, social, cultural and economic, achieving, on the one hand, the satisfaction of internal needs and providing a broad well-being to the members that make up community.

The relevance of the economy

Now, we must make a special mention of the economy, the engine of development, and without which, according to many, functioning satisfactorily, it is impossible for that nation and its members to enjoy a good quality of life.

For the quality of life to be a fact, it is essential that the economy produce and produce goods and services, so that no one is left without access to them.

Faced with this reality, there are two different positions. On the one hand, those who propose the market economy in order to ensure freedom in commercial activities. This type of economic proposal deals with identifying the needs and there creates the business to satisfy it.

But on the other hand we find those who suppose that success in this sense occurs with the presence of the state, guaranteeing the correct distribution of wealth and resources so that no one is left out. The detractors of this proposal maintain that interventionism always ends up harming the development of any economy. Also an unrestricted freedom can be problematic, therefore, the ideal is always to find a mix, a middle point in which free production can be combined ensuring that nobody is missing anything.

The influence of having a good policy and institutional quality

Doing good politics is also fundamental in the development of any community, as is also having strong and reliable institutions, managed by proven people, that are in charge of improving the quality of life of all and not of a few only, or of enriching themselves in the exercise of power and forgetting the most important thing, which is that they were elected to govern for the people, a fact that implies investing all the effort and ideas to achieve a thriving country full of work.

A state that focuses on national development is clear that the needs of the population are satisfied only through the rational and sustainable use of the resources at its disposal, while this use must be based on a technology that Above all, respect cultural aspects and human rights.

Unfortunately, sometimes this is not fulfilled due to the greed and negligence of some authorities, but success is in the hands of the people, who have the possibility of punishing with their vote those who have not fulfilled the objective of national development in full and to everybody.

The right to development is an issue that is internationally recognized as a right held by all the peoples that make up planet earth and also as a manifestation of their self-determination to continue growing and improving through their own resources and international solidarity. .

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