
definition of look

The word look is one of those terms that in our language we use to refer to various issues, although, it is worth noting, that we especially use it to indicate the action of directing our sight, gaze towards a specific point, object or place. That visual observation that someone makes about something will normally produce a special look on the observed point, which can be communicated through words, gestures or gestures that indicate the corresponding approval or disapproval of what is observed.

Another use that we apply to this word is that of to think, that is, we use it to indicate to another that think carefully about this or that action before putting it into practice. Take a good look at how you treat Juan because he is a good friend of the boss and can tell him about it..

We may also use the word look to express the esteem and appreciation that you have for something or someone and also when a person has a lot in mind. Laura looks very carefully at the presence of the employees, I try to always be impeccable.

On the other hand, the term look is used to indicate a specific spatial arrangement such as being arranged in front of something. Our house faces the sea.

Also, when a person cares and attends with dedication something or someone will be told that he looks. My mother-in-law looks at her husband a lot, she is always aware that he does not lack anything.

And the other usual use is like synonym of searching. I looked in the desk drawer but couldn't find the glasses.

Meanwhile, there are a large number of popular expressions that contain the word look and that are widely used in our everyday language: look at me and don't touch me (we use it to refer to that individual or delicate thing that does not resist too much manipulation); well looked at (what was thought with great depth); To look over the shoulder (expresses someone's pride); Look who's talking! (We use it when someone criticizes another for something and he himself has the same defect); see bad (used to express the displeasure that someone has for another); look over something (We use it when we want to indicate what has been seen very quickly, without stopping).

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