
definition of Anglicanism

Anglicanism is recognized as one of the religious expressions that are integrated into Christianity but that are derived from the schism that represented the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Unlike what happens with other forms of Protestantism, Anglicanism is characteristic and almost exclusive of England since it arose as a particular interest of Henry VIII (the then monarch of England), who sought to separate from the Catholic Church and establish thus their own religion.

The origin of Anglicanism can be inserted in a period of religious crisis such as the 16th century in Europe. Along with this religious expression, the Protestant Reformation carried out by figures such as Luther and Calvin had the objective of putting aside the dogmas of the Catholic Church that seemed outdated and inappropriate for that historical moment. In this environment, England was no less than continental Europe and the religious crisis also reached its shores.

Henry VIII of England would seek to delimit the power of the Catholic Church in his territory. Although the conflict began due to a private and personal issue of the king (who wanted to divorce his old wife to marry Ana Bolena again), this situation would lead to a crisis with much deeper roots that had to do with the jurisdiction that The Catholic Church had in England and with the limits that this king sought since then to impose on this traditional institution. Under the idea that the English churches should be part of the state power and organized by the king, Henry VIII developed what would then be known as the English Reformation that would culminate in that same century with the emergence of Anglicanism as a characteristic religious expression of Great Britain. Brittany.

Anglicanism is considered today to be an intermediate position between Catholicism and Protestantism, both seen as extreme positions within the same religion. Anglicans, however, follow many of the traditions and Catholic celebrations since they give special importance to written texts, although they have their own on which the different prayers are performed. Baptism and the Eucharist are of special importance to Anglicans as they are regarded as displays of the Lord's divine Grace in our lives. In any case, one of the main elements that separate Anglicanism from Catholicism is the fact that for the former, the highest representative of the power of God on Earth is none other than the English monarch and not the Pope.

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