
Industrial sociology - definition, concept and what it is

The labor context has been in a process of constant evolution throughout history. Undoubtedly, the industrial revolution marked a turning point in the way of understanding work and the company shows today, the structure that offers a greater offer of employment in advanced societies than the agricultural or rural sector. Sociology studies these industrial societies.

This discipline has a double perspective, on the one hand, it studies the impact that the company has on cities and towns. But at the same time, it also analyzes how social culture can create an impact on the industrial structure. Therefore, the industry cannot be understood without the environment in which it is integrated and the culture of which it is a part. This discipline delves into the roots of modernization in developed countries.

Analysis of the social structure of the company

Industrial sociology also delves into the roots of the work environment in which conflicts such as burnout syndrome, communication problems, failures in human resource management can occur that can directly influence the low performance of workers, and by Therefore, it also affects the level of productivity.

Industrial sociology also analyzes how companies have evolved to this day. From the philosophical point of view, there is an author who has a great depth in industrial sociology: Marx was one of the authors who most criticized the capitalist system for the alienation of the worker in the exercise of their daily functions as a result of the pressure of the performance and the search for economic results over and above attention to the human factor (industries are made up of people).

The industrial structure is defined by the organization of the tasks carried out with machines thanks to the constant technological advance that displaces manual work.

Other points to consider

Therefore, from the point of view of the human fabric that is key in any company, industrial sociology also analyzes the factors that positively or negatively condition the bonds of companionship within the team, the role of the boss and their relationship with subordinates. Analysis of the rights of workers, labor agreements, employment contracts, employment conditions, are other points considered by industrial sociology. The very object of industrial sociology is complementary to the research carried out by the sociology of work.

Photo: iStock - Paolo Cipriani

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