
definition of orography

Teacher and student of the description of elevations in the field

Orography is a discipline within physical geography that deals with the description of relief, so much so that it is responsible for specifying whether in this or that region there are mountains, there are mountains, among other alternatives. That is, basically the orography will be in charge of describing the elevations, such as mountains, that exist in a certain area of ​​our planet.

To carry out his task he makes use of the graphic representation, of the cartography more precisely, and so it is that we can know for sure the relief that a particular area has and therefore also study it in the subject of geography in school.

A key assistant in the projection of infrastructure and the action of other sectors of the economy

Knowledge of the land is extremely important for any region because the projection of infrastructure plans will depend on it, as well as any other plan that you want to draw up in a region. Because if a land is presented naturally in a way that is not suitable for, for example, developing a certain structure in it, it should be discarded and another one should be considered. Or the same if you have to design a highway, it will not be the same to do it on a terrain that has slopes than to do it on another that does not. So, at this point in the planning, the work that the orography does is very important.

But not only for the development of public and private works is orography important, there are also other fields and economic sectors that use it to know sensitive information about their tasks, such is the case of mining and agriculture, to mention the more common examples.

Allows you to predict climates

It should be noted that also through the orography of a place we can predict its climate, since it directly influences the intensity of the winds and the rains, being abundant in both cases.

A set of mountains

The concept is also used to generally refer to the set of elevations, mountains, mountains, which can be seen in a geographical area. When the elevations are prominent it is spoken of an important orography while if there is none it will be said that the orography of such place is very poor.

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