
definition of stepbrother

Around the concept of family, different designations and names are established that serve to characterize each of the various relationships that can be generated between the members of that family group. The relationships that are established between the different figures of a family, which can be sanguine when they are direct relatives or political when they are indirect relatives, are very wide and varied. One of these figures is that of the stepbrother, a very common one nowadays due to the diversification of family ties from the also common diversification at a more global level of the entire society.

The stepbrother is the figure of that person who has no direct blood relationship with oneself except through one of the two own parents. In other words, the stepbrother is a person who shares one of the parents (father or mother) with us but not both. This means that their generation has been given from the union between the indicated parent and another person outside the family. The stepbrother is normally understood as a somewhat conflictive figure since he shares blood ties but not completely. Unlike what happens with the parents or with the two pairs of grandparents, each person can have numerous stepbrothers according to the number of couples that the parents (separated or not) make after or before the birth of one.

The stepbrother is also a very common figure nowadays and this has to do with the significant number of assembled families or families that disarm and rearm from separations, divorces, marriages and new or reunited marriages. In this case, it is common to find that children or adolescents live with one of their parents and with the current partner of that parent in addition to also living with the children in common of that new couple (in which case they are stepbrothers) or previous children of the someone else (not stepbrothers).

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