
definition of psychotechnic

Psychotechnicians include specific tests that are widely used in personnel selection processes and also in training processes, for example, in competitive examinations. Psychotechnical tests are tests that have an objectivity value, that is, they allow a recruiter of human resources to better know the way of being of a candidate and his personality with specific data and not by a possible subjective assessment in the job interview.

From this perspective, psychotechnical tests can be aptitude tests that aim to measure a specific type of talent in the candidate, for example, their numerical reasoning or their musical intelligence. And also, the personality test that can help identify a quality that is valued as a competence in the job to be developed.

For example, if the candidate is going to fill a job as head of a team, you can evaluate their social skills, their ability to resolve conflict, their level of self-confidence ...

Objective evaluation tests

From this point of view, it should be pointed out that the answers that the candidates offer in the psychotechnical tests are not good or bad, it is not a standard test in which there is only one correct answer. Rather, based on the response of each candidate, it is possible to better know which profile is best suited to the position.

Generally, psychotechnical tests are very well developed to prevent a candidate from lying. That is, the usual thing is that different questions are related to each other so that if the candidate lies, he will contradict himself at some point.

Tests to measure competencies

In the context of training, it is also possible for students to pass tests of this type in order to measure their level of attention, the visual memory of the student, if they excel in language skills ... For example, it is possible to do this type of tests in access to a university where before having a place, the center tests students to choose those who have a more specific potential at the level of vocation and qualities.

From this perspective, this type of test can also be very positive in identifying a student's talent, that is, in which areas he or she stands out especially.

Photos: iStock - SergeOstroverhoff / shuoshu

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