
anecdote definition

An anecdote it's a short story of a curious or funny event.

Generally the anecdote is based on real events that happen in real places and that involve people who really exist. "The anecdotes that my aunt tells of her youth are really incredible and extremely funny. One round he told us that several years ago when a friend got married and she was his witness, she had to hold the boyfriend who fainted just when he was about to say yes I do. "


The anecdote always tells events that show interest or attract attention due to their uniqueness, and it is almost always the protagonist who narrates them after living them. Although humor is the star of the anecdotes, since of course the funny ones are the ones that are heard and liked the most, they can also address tragic or horror events.

The mission of an anecdote is the transmission of an event that was experienced and it is the responsibility of the person who narrates it to know how to contribute a special share of reality and emotion to awaken empathy in others, in those who hear it.

It should be noted that although anyone can star in and tell anecdotes, there are individuals who have a special disposition to do so, as with jokes and humor, they know how to tell them in such an entertaining way that by case they know how to capture a better empathy, than those that do not present this natural inclination.

Now, to make an anecdote a singular event, it is necessary to follow a series of parameters or tricks that help in that impact that is sought many times when transmitting a ...

For example, generating suspense is an excellent alternative, because of course, when the hook is generated in the viewer, events are anticipated little by little, we will be able to hook him little by little and more and more in the story, and thus he will stay listening until the final.

It is also very important to maintain a coherent order when recounting the anecdote, this adds not only to attention but also to understanding.

The structure of the anecdote is similar to that of any other story: introduction, middle, and ending. In the introduction, the events that occurred will be introduced, quickly, in the knot the central conflict that moves and represents the tension of the story is presented and finally in the outcome it will be told how the conflict or issue was resolved, or what ended up happening to the final.

In any case, it is possible that this anecdote that arose from real events, people and places, with the passage of time and word of mouth, undergoes some modifications that end up exaggerating what happened.


Although in most cases, the anecdotes have a lot of humor per se, they are not jokes, that is, they have a mission to amuse, to awaken laughter in those who receive them, however, they have other motivations such as: express a general reality, to show the particular trait of a person and the functioning of a certain institution.

On the other hand, the anecdote is often used to graph or explain a situation to someone, because in that more pleasant way it is believed that they will understand and assimilate it better.

For the foregoing, it is said that the anecdote is closer to the parable than to the fable (composition in verse from which a useful or moral teaching is extracted).

Let us remember that the parable is a literary form that implies a figurative story, which, by analogy or similarity, results in a teaching related to a topic that is not explicit, that is, it is a story loaded with symbolism; the Christian gospels have many parables.

Unimportant fact

And the other use of the term allows to designate the irrelevant and unimportant event. “That Juan did not come to class today is an anecdote because he is never missing.”

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