
definition of location

In broad or general terms, the word location is used to refer to a place, a geographical space in which a person, a property, an event may be located. Thus, the location of, for example, a film set would serve to indicate the place where the activity is being carried out. However, in more specific terms, the word location is usually related to the field of real estate and its rental.

In the real estate sector, the location is the place on which a rent that is established between two or more parties is applied. Thus, for example, we speak of location when we speak of the apartment, the house, the business or the land that will be transferred by its owner to a renter or tenant who may settle in it for the time determined by mutual agreement. Due to this permission that the person or the company receives to settle in that place, a rent must be paid, which will obviously vary according to the type of property and the conditions of each lease or location.

In many cases, the tenant, that is, whoever allows his real property to be used, is known in legal terms as the tenant. This word comes from Latin and refers to a place, in the same way as a location, so the tenant will be the one who lends that space in exchange for a sum of money (in most cases) or an equivalent.

The lease contract for the interest that a party may have on a rental is signed between, at least, two parties: the one who owns it in fact and in law and who decides to lend it, and the one who does not own it and wants to use it as a home. , like space for a business, etc. When the lease is delivered from a rental, the tenant does not have the right to alter that lease since it is not their direct possession. In the event that you make changes that have to do with its structure, you may receive a fine or lose the money deposit that you may have made when signing the contract.

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