
definition of volcanic eruptions

A Volcanic eruption It is the abrupt and violent emission on the surface of the earth, or on that of any other planet, of matter that comes from the interior of the globe. Mostly, volcanic eruptions are caused by the presence of volcanoes, although there are some exceptions such as the geyser (thermal source that emits very hot water and that erupts periodically) and the mud volcanoes (The matter comes from hydrocarbon deposits).

It is practically impossible to predict a volcanic eruption, although some indications can be followed, such as: seismic shaking and the emission of fumaroles (mixture of gases and vapors that are externalized through the cracks of a volcano). Meanwhile, the violence that a volcanic eruption can manifest will depend on the acidity of the lavas and the content of the latter in occluded gases.

The original cause of a volcanic eruption is found in the temperature increase suffered by magma, which is inside the mantle. Once it reaches the maximum temperature, the aforementioned volcanic eruption occurs in which the boiling lava lodged in the magma will be expelled.

Some of the most common consequences of this phenomenon are the melting of glaciers and ice, landslides, alluvium, among others.

There are different types of eruptions, which will depend on the combination of the causes that we mentioned before; in the first instance we will be able to distinguish between punctual eruption (from magma through a chimney) and linear eruption (due to a fissure in the ground that could be quite long).

The hawaiian eruption has taken that name for the volcanoes located in the hawaiian islands, is characterized by the fluidity of its lava, they can overflow when they exceed the crater, then sliding very easily down slopes.

On her side the strombolian eruption, occurs at northern Sicily, the eruption is permanent and is accompanied by several explosions.

The vulcanian, named after the volcano Vulcan, lava is characterized by being very viscous and acidic and by producing a lot of ash.

The eruption plinianIt differs from the previous one in that the explosion of its gases in the magma is very violent, producing violent explosions. It usually forms fiery clouds in the shape of pine or mushrooms and once cold, the ashes can produce rains capable of burying an entire city.

The fighting rash It stands out for the viscosity of its lava, which is capable of completely covering the crater. the krakotoano it knew how to be very violent when it occurred, generating even tidal waves, because the lava that rises is viscous and the temperature is cold.

Regarding the consequences for health, the eruptions, through the ashes, usually attack the respiratory system, the skin and the eyes, and can cause sinusitis, conjunctivitis and pharyngitis, among other conditions.


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