
definition of public deed

The Public deed it's a document in which it is recorded in the presence of a notary public, that official qualified to grant public character to private documents, authorizing them for this or that purpose with his signature and presence, a certain event or a right authorized justly by this official , who will sign together with the grantor or grantors, also giving faith about the legal capacity of the content and the date on which it was carried out. In other words, the public deed is an instrument, a notarial tool, which will contain one or more statements made by the people involved in the act or contract in question.

Meanwhile, the notary will complement such document with information and legal requirements, whether proper or specific to each act, so that at the end of the event they are included in the protocol of the intervening notary and in those cases that correspond, so that they can be registered in relevant public records.

There are many events, agreements and contracts that are celebrated between individuals that must be formalized from public deeds, so that in this way they obtain a probative value tomorrow. Among the most important that yes or yes must be framed in a public deed are the acts or liens of real estate, the constitution of commercial and civil companies and those businesses in which it is necessary to convert a private document into public, with all the rigor of value that this gives it.

For a public deed to be granted, it is necessary that the interested parties are present, or, failing that, are represented by persons authorized to act as representatives.

The purchase and sale of a property, a mortgage, the creation of a public limited company and the award of an inheritance are some of the most frequent cases in which a public deed is executed. It is irrevocable and has such a legal force that it can only be challenged by legal means.

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